Product Design
Product Design is commonly defined as the holistic approach towards turning ideas into tangible inventions and products. It encompasses the physical aspects as well as the functionalities the products should possess. When it comes to creating great products, design is considered to be the most important “feature”. As we’ve now moved into the stage where product design dominates - it’s what sets companies apart and gives edge over competitors. Ideally, the role of a product designer is to focus on understanding the product and its usage and functionality, including handling marketing as well and lastly create mockups for the actual end product.
Skills / Processes:
Product designers wear a lot of hats - they identify and validate problems, sometimes the idea for a product is usually generated from a problem. They work cross-functionally to gather existing user information and create test plans to capture new insights. They are involved in sketching and prototyping as well. Once they have the right information, they develop possible solutions and prototype the best ideas to put in front of users to get feedback. Finally they launch the final product and market it to craft the right story and follow the success of the product once it’s out.They also work with the ease of use for the product therefore aesthetics only supports the main purpose functionality of the product and is not centered around aesthetics itself.
The product designer’s role is to combine art, science and technology to create new products that will cater to the mass. The role of a product designer has progressively evolved over the years - the digital tools have now facilitated and allowed the designers to communicate, visualize, analyze and actually produce tangible ideas in an effective manner.
Career Opportunities:
Product design has several fields of application such as tableware, vehicles, sports, leisure, food preservation, electronics, jewelry, etc. Students at DQ Labs interested in product design will be exposed to concepts like design thinking, design process, design research, ergonomics, history of design, green design, sustainable design and system design and much more.
Potential Employers:
Product Design Schools to Consider